Sunday, January 1, 2023

Jan One Monthly Goal

My OMG for January is to finish BOTH Arlington Square twin-size quilts. I just finished assembling them last week and I'm hoping they won't get hung up in the closet and wait for some unspecified future finish.

These were made as part of last year's Rainbow Scrap Challenge and I had been hoping to finish them by the end of the year but I got distracted by too many other projects and didn't make it.

I am linking up with Elm Street Quilt's January OMG.


  1. I do like these, and the border you picked! Best of luck finishing.

    1. Thanks, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get them done. There is plenty of time, as long as I don't get distracted.

  2. Replies
    1. It is a really nice border. It was actually part of the original pattern. The only thing I would do different next time would be to make it a little smaller so they would evenly fit along the edge.
